Residents win fight to stop scrap cars and lorries being stored near their Norton estate
Plans to store cars and HGVs on land off Bellerton Lane, Norton, have been thrown out
Dozens of families have won their fight to stop land near their homes being used to store lorries and scrap cars.
Part of the former colliery living in Bellerton Lane, Norton, had become a ‘dumping ground’ with around 38 vehicles on the site.
Now retrospective plans to officially use the plot as a scrap yard and to repair stock cars have been thrown out.
James Vernon, of Row Moor Way, was among 27 people who had opposed the scheme.
The 37-year-old said: “Norton was such a deprived area but we have made it a much nicer place to live now. But then we get this backing onto our estate. It is absolutely ridiculous.
“I know when you buy a house that you don’t own the view too but to put this so close is not fair.
“It’s a new housing estate and very family-orientated. People have been lured into buying here – then the threat of this happens.
“We have a few other businesses here who are absolutely fantastic and do lots of work in the community. We didn’t want this scrap yard on our doorstep.”
Around 30 cars and eight lorries had been left on the land.
David Shone, of Harrison Road, takes his dogs down to the site on a regular basis.
He said: “This land has become no more than a dumping ground. It is too close to a pathway that is used by school children.
“Two skips there are overflowing with rubbish and metal. There is rubbish all over the place and a pile of wood as high as a bonfire. The pathway is a mud path
“It wouldn’t be long before something is set alight there. It is a total unkempt eyesore.”
Laura Bamford, of Row Moor Way, added: “This would have devalued homes on the estate and increased traffic through it, which is already a nightmare since the road opened from Row Moor Way onto Burtree Drive. We’re relieved.”
Stoke-on-Trent City Council refused the application following objections.
Planning officer Stephen Bate said: “The proposed vehicle storage and repair uses on this open land are considered to have an unacceptable impact on residential amenity and on the character and quality of the surrounding area.”
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